A disappearance in town shatters the tranquility of their community and puts the Benson family in the cross-hairs of the local police chief.
Temptation at the Lake:
It was to be two months of recuperation. My massage therapist was supposed to be a woman.
Being a woman on the force was tough enough. Then, I caught a bullet in the leg while taking down the bad guy. The Captain pulled my badge. Internal Affairs will be fair, he said. Fat chance of that. To avoid the media, I packed up to recuperate in the place I remembered being the happiest: the small town of Clear Lake.
My doctor’s orders were two months of physical therapy before my next checkup. The stretching, massage, and exercise would be tough if I was going to get in shape to be back on the force by then.
I expected the sunshine and clean air away from the city to make it all bearable. What I didn’t count on was him. Casey Benson became the devil driving my therapy. I alternated between hating the man and being seduced by him.
His pull was magnetic, but I didn’t understand the danger of a fling with this devil.
When I get pulled into his orbit and the town feud, everything changes.
Desire at the Lake:
Avoiding her was difficult, ignoring her impossible, and dreaming about her became inevitable.
Everything fell apart when my boss, Lee Pollock disappeared.
Without a job and kicked out of my company-provided apartment, I needed a place to stay.
Why did it have to turn out that the place I landed was Waylon Benson’s converted garage?
We all have regrets. Breaking up with him years ago had been my biggest.
Now, this close to him every day the chemistry between us couldn’t be denied.
Combustion becomes more inevitable with each day I spend around him. The only question is will I survive the heat?
When I finally find my way into his embrace, it becomes the one place I feel safe.
Waylon is arrested for the murder of my ex-boss.
The disappearance of Lee Pollock becomes a murder investigation that forces unfair choices.
Passion at the Lake:
I drove all day to escape a living hell. In this new town only the devil himself can save me.
Angela: I’m the nerdy girl the guys don’t like because when it comes to technology, I’m better than any of them. I like that computers are predictable. You always know how they’re going to behave, people not so much. My last choice of boyfriend proves that point.
I plotted out my escape for two months. My timetable was complete with a checklist and a spreadsheet. I only intended a two-week stay in Clear Lake before moving on.
Then, fate intervened. My plan disintegrated and placed me at the doorstep of the devil himself. It had been years since I’d seen our high school hero, Boone Benson. Meeting him again brought back memories of the lesson I’d learned the hard way. The jock never goes for the nerd.
Now, depending on him for survival is my only option.
When the beast shows me kindness, I resist falling for the fairy tale. So what if he’s hotter than sin. I know better this time. I can stay logical. Really I can.
I hate him, he hates me, problem solved.
But the science is clear. Sparks often lead to fire. And this fire is soon raging out of control.
Heat at the Lake:
He was the steel to my flint. One flimsy wall separated us, and sparks were inevitable.
At first glance he was intriguing. At second glance, he was hot. After a not so gentle push from my girlfriends, I talked to him at the bar, and that lead to well… more.
It was before I realized he was taking over his brother’s lease of the other half of my duplex. Now, he’s just on the other side of that wall.
The bad news: my family would murder me if I dated him because of who he came to town to work for.