He was the steel to my flint. One flimsy wall separated us, and sparks were inevitable.
At first glance he was intriguing. At second glance, he was hot. After a not so gentle push from my girlfriends, I talked to him at the bar, and that lead to well… more.
It was before I realized he was taking over his brother’s lease of the other half of my duplex. Now, he’s just on the other side of that wall.
The bad news: my family would murder me if I dated him because of who he came to town to work for.
I took the job with the Clear Lake police to support my Gramps. That was before the night I met Priscilla Benson.
Now that I’ve been told she and her family are the prime suspects in a disappearance, she’s strictly off limits. Rules are rules.
Living with her just on the other side of that wall is driving me crazy.
How far can a rule be bent without breaking it? Maybe we could just talk?